Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dangerous Bike RIders

Davis and Braxton have just figured out how to ride their bikes with out training wheels. I thought it was pretty normal for Davis because he has such great balance for a three your old but I didn't think that Braxton would be able to so soon, but just like his uncle Davis we took him out and gave him one little push and off he went!! It was so cute. Davis can now start by him self but Braxton still needs a little help, so the two of them will go outside together and Braxton gets his bike and then here comes Davis, he holds the bike so Braxton can get on and gives him a push, once Braxton gets going Davis gets on his bike and they ride around. Until Braxton crashes or stops, then Davis willingly jumps off of his bike runs over to Braxton helps him start again and then goes back to his bike. it is the funniest thing to watch the two three years olds go round and round  in the neighborhood until time to help Braxton get on again! 


stace said...

so dang cute! your blog is already awesome! and it took me forever to figure out how to post pictures so you're way ahead of the game! davis looks so handsome in that yellow shirt and i love the picture of tylee and braxton you have on the side.

Kim Allen said...

I'm so glad to see you blogging! I had no idea! Those two kids are just too cute. They are getting so old fast and I haven't been able to see them very much! I guess I'll just have to drop by your Mom's house cuz I know you'll all be there : )kidding. But we do need to hang out with the kids some day.

chris said...

YES!!! now i can see pics of my boys and new fav. baby girl! Well done,...well done.

Naylor Family said...

Hey Andra! You and Derek are so cute, and you have such a beautiful family! I can't believe Braxton is riding a bike! We got Taylee a bike for Christmas, and it's a little big so those training wheels won't be off for a LONG time! Congrats on such a beautiful baby girl, they're so precious!